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Hi, and welcome to my site!

I’m going to go ahead and assume that you, or someone you know well, are expecting a baby and are researching all of your options. Maybe you’re a little overwhelmed by all of the information you’ve received and are being introduced to things you’d never considered before. Or, maybe this is your fifth baby, and you didn’t have a doula’s support at your other births, but your curiosity was peaked when you heard about Amy Schumer’s birth experience. You could be planning a natural, medication-free birth at home or in a birthing center, or perhaps your cesarean has already been scheduled at the hospital.

Whatever path has led you to this point, there is one thing that is abundantly clear: you are in the midst of embarking on a brand new life – not only the life within, but your life as a parent and as a family. How exciting and special!

I’ll tell you what else is very true: you deserve all of the support you can get, and a huge piece of that is a doula.

It’s no secret that birth doulas have proven to be essential in a mother’s journey through labor, in the way of physical, emotional and informational support. Birthing persons’ who utilize birth doulas tend to be more satisfied with their birth experience, have shorter labors on average, and an increase in likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth, due to the continuous support that a doula provides. A doula can help remind you to stay hydrated, to change positions during labor to help move baby into a more engaged position, to hold a calm, peaceful space while you labor, and provide you with enough information and options to allow you to have control over your birth experience.

That last point about informational support is probably one of the most important tools in my doula bag. When I meet with you prenatally, I help you feel more comfortable with birth itself. I’ll get to know you and your partner, and your familiarity/comfort level with the birth process. I’ll help identify and quell any worries or concerns you have about pregnancy, labor and postpartum. We’ll come up with a birth plan by me providing options for various stages of labor and YOU deciding what YOU want to do. The important thing here is this: This is YOUR birth experience, not mine. I want you to know your options so that you feel empowered to advocate for yourself and make informed choices.

This inaugural entry is proving to be a little longer than I had planned – just like labor, sometimes! Birth gets me fired up, and I am deeply passionate about the support and resource that a doula can provide. I hope that you read this with a smile on your face and that you feel fired up and excited about this sacred experience awaiting you. Birth *is* sacred, and it doesn’t have to be scary. However you decide to birth, I sincerely hope that it is the birth that you want and that you are filled with happiness, peace and the sense of badass pride that comes with it.


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